lørdag 26. januar 2008

Using Selenium for getting a full image of a page.

The last few weeks I've been working on and off on a patch to acquire complete images of websites using Selenium-rc, now it is done.

The patch builds on the work done by Robert Zimmermann, but takes it a few steps further, creating two new selenium commands:

  1. initScreenshots creates a calibration image that is used to define the area that will be saved into the image.

  2. You can then navigate to the spot where you want to take a picture, and then call getFullScreenshot to get a full image.

Both commands maximize the window and getFullScreenshot also takes multiple screenshots of the page (while scrolling it) and then merges these together.

You can see a sample image taken of http://www.nytimes.com/ here (firefox) . I'm having a smal problem getting IE to do proper scrolling, but that should be fixable.

Compiling and running it yourself

I've attached the patches to bug #395. As a further help, you can find ready compiled jars for testing here: http://folk.uio.no/tarjeih/selenium/. You need to compile your tests using the selenium-java-client-driver-0.9.3-SNAPSHOT.jar file.

To run the server, you need to increase the amount of heap space to be able to merge the images. Here's the commandline I use to run this on windows:

java -Xmx256m -jar "Z:\selenium-server-0.9.3-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar" -multiWindow

Further work

The basic patch is fairly clean, although some of the merge tests depend on quite a few images and also contains some Unixims, mainly that it saves files to /tmp.

Sample tests:

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import java.io.File;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium;

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium;

public class TestRemoteFullImage extends TestCase {

  private Selenium selenium;

  public void testRemoteImage() throws Exception {

  String url = "http://www.nytimes.com/";  

  selenium = new DefaultSelenium("wintest"4444"*firefox", url);





        BufferedImage rendImage = selenium.getFullScreenshot("png");

        File file = new File("/tmp/imresult.png");


        ImageIO.write(rendImage, "png", file);


  public void testRemoteImageOnIE() throws Exception {

    String url = "http://www.nytimes.com/";

    selenium = new DefaultSelenium("wintest"4444"*iexplore", url);





        BufferedImage rendImage = selenium.getFullScreenshot("png");

        File file = new File("/tmp/iexporeresult.png");


        ImageIO.write(rendImage, "png", file);




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